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导读:【演讲人】埃隆·马斯克  【演讲主题】《我眼中的未来世界长什么样?》  【中英文字幕】  翻译:Claire Yeh 校对: Yi Zong  00:04  Chris A




  翻译:Claire Yeh 校对: Yi Zong


  Chris Anderson: 伊隆,欢迎回到TED来。 很高兴你能来。

  Chris Anderson: Elon, hey, welcome back to TED. It's great to have you here.



  Elon Musk: Thanks for having me.


  CA: 嗯,在接下来的半个小时里, 我们会花点时间 来探索一下你所构想的 激动人心的未来, 这可能会让我的第一个问题 听起来有点讽刺: 为什么你觉得无聊?

  CA: So, in the next half hour or so, we're going to spend some time exploring your vision for what an exciting future might look like, which I guess makes the first question a little ironic: Why are you boring?


  是呀。 我经常这么问自己。 我们打算挖一条隧道穿过洛杉矶, 这是我们计划的开始, 我们有希望打造一个 地下三维管道 来缓解交通阻塞问题。 目前来看,最让人精神疲惫的 事情之一就是堵车。 这影响世界上每个角落的人。 它从你生命中拿走了太多时间。 太可怕了。 在洛杉矶尤其可怕。 (笑声)

  EM: Yeah. I ask myself that frequently. We're trying to dig a hole under LA, and this is to create the beginning of what will hopefully be a 3D network of tunnels to alleviate congestion. So right now, one of the most soul-destroying things is traffic. It affects people in every part of the world. It takes away so much of your life. It's horrible. It's particularly horrible in LA.




  CA: 我想你带来了 这项工程演示视频的 首次公开展示。 我能播放么?

  CA: I think you've brought with you the first visualization that's been shown of this. Can I show this?


   EM: 可以,当然可以。 这是第一次—— 就展示下我们正在聊的。 有几个关键的点 对于构建3D隧道特别重要。 首先,你必须能够 整合隧道的入口和出口 无缝的整合到城市交通里。 通过利用电梯, 一个给汽车用的滑板, 滑板放在电梯里, 我们就可以将隧道的入口 和出口跟公路对接起来 代价仅仅是两个停车位的面积。 然后汽车就在滑板上, 隧道里没有限速, 所以我们设计时速是 每小时200公里。

  EM: Yeah, absolutely. So this is the first time -- Just to show what we're talking about. So a couple of key things that are important in having a 3D tunnel network. First of all, you have to be able to integrate the entrance and exit of the tunnel seamlessly into the fabric of the city. So by having an elevator, sort of a car skate, that's on an elevator, you can integrate the entrance and exits to the tunnel network just by using two parking spaces. And then the car gets on a skate. There's no speed limit here, so we're designing this to be able to operate at 200 kilometers an hour.



  CA: How much?


  EM:每小时200公里, 也就是每小时130英里。 所以打个比方,如果你从 Westwood到洛杉矶机场 只需要五到六分钟。 (掌声)

  EM: 200 kilometers an hour, or about 130 miles per hour. So you should be able to get from, say, Westwood to LAX in six minutes -- five, six minutes.




  CA:所以有可能,完工之后, 有点类似收费高速路的模式。

  CA: So possibly, initially done, it's like on a sort of toll road-type basis.


  EM: Yeah.


  CA:我猜这将也会缓解 地面交通的压力.

  CA: Which, I guess, alleviates some traffic from the surface streets as well.


   EM:嗯,我不知道大家是否 注意到视频中的一个细节, 实际上我们可以继续增加 隧道的层数。 往下挖比往上开拓要容易得多。 实际上最深的矿井比最高的 摩天大楼要长多了, 所以我们可以利用这种 立体隧道网 解决任意级别的交通拥堵问题。 这是个非常重要的点。 所以这种隧道的一个争论点是 如果我们加了一层隧道, 那么可以轻微缓解交通拥堵, 但是很快拥堵又起来了, 这个时候大家又回到原点, 又开始拥堵。 但是现在我们可以增加 任意数量的隧道。

  EM: So, I don't know if people noticed it in the video, but there's no real limit to how many levels of tunnel you can have. You can go much further deep than you can go up. The deepest mines are much deeper than the tallest buildings are tall, so you can alleviate any arbitrary level of urban congestion with a 3D tunnel network. This is a very important point. So a key rebuttal to the tunnels is that if you add one layer of tunnels, that will simply alleviate congestion, it will get used up, and then you'll be back where you started, back with congestion. But you can go to any arbitrary number of tunnels, any number of levels.




