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导读:13.(2015年,湖南卷)  Walk Out of the Comfort Zone and Try New Things  For most high school


  Walk Out of the Comfort Zone and Try New Things

  For most high school students, free periods are useless. From what I have seen, few do homework, instead many are on their phones and talking, making it impossible for those who actually want to do work to complete any. As a senior next year, I think extra periods should be used to take optional subjects.

  Our school offers many classes. Now is the time to experiment in different fields of study. We will never know if we are interested or talented in a subject if we don't try it.

  In my 8th grade, I was told that I had to take an art class as a graduation requirement; so in the 9th grade I took Studio and Art. One of the projects was to build a clay pot, but I built mine incorrectly, so it broke in the kiln (窑). I found out that I have no artistic ability at all, and now I know for sure that I do not want to be an artist. However, the class was one of my favorites that year. I was able to try new activities and test my ability.

  Walk out of our comfort zone and try new things! College is when we should focus on a specific major, but high school is when we have to figure it out.

  Half of all college students change their major at some point. By doing that hundreds of dollars are wasted on classes that they would have never needed to take. So use our extra periods to find out what we want to do in college. The classes we choose can impact us in future. Taking optional subjects will enrich our mind. It will also show colleges we are diverse students.

  59.How should we use our extra periods in the author's opinion?

  (No more than 9 words) (2 marks)


  60.Why does the author think we should experiment in different fields of study?

  (No more than 17 words) (2 marks)


  61.Why did the clay pot show the author's lack of artistic ability?

  (No more than 10 words) (3 marks)


  62.According to the author, how will taking optional subjects impact up in the future?

  (No more than 13 words) (3 marks)



  59.We should use them to take optional subjects.

  60.We will never know if we are interested or talented in a subject without trying it.

  61.It was built incorrectly and broke in the kiln.

  62.It will enrich our mind and show colleges we are diverse students.


  59.We should use them to take optional subjects.根据第一段最后一句话:As a senior next year, I think extra periods should be used to take optional subjects.可知作者认为应该用课外时间去学一些课外的科目。故填We should use them to take optional subjects.

  60.We will never know if we are interested or talented in a subject if we don’t try it.根据第二段倒数第一句话和倒数第二句话:Now is the time to experiment in different fields of study. We will never know if we are interested or talented in a subject without trying it.可知道答案,又因为字数有限,所以将we don’t try it 改成without trying it.故填We will never know if we are interested or talented in a subject if we don’t try it.

  61.It was built incorrectly and broke in the kiln.根据第三段第二句话:One of the projects were to build a clay pot, but I built mine incorrectly so it broke in the kiln.可知作者因为做错了陶罐导致它摔碎,从而得知自己没有艺术家的天分。故填It was built incorrectly and broke in the kiln.

  62.It will enrich our mind and show colleges we are diverse students.根据最后一段的倒数两句话:The class we choose can impact us in the future. Taking optional subjects t will enrich our mind. It will also show colleges we are diverse students.可知去学选修课可以丰富我们的大脑,让我们成为一个多才多艺的大学生。故填It will enrich our mind and show colleges we are diverse students.


  阅读短文, 按照题目要求用英语回答问题。

  Last December, Doris Low turned 90. Once a week she still drives to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) in Toronto, where she helps transform literature into Braille() to bring the power of story and knowledge to the hears and minds of blind readers. She has been volunteering her time and talents to such enterprises foe more than 40 years.

  After working in the business world for a while, Low got fed up. So she turned to teaching at a technical school and later moved into the library.

  Low’s mother liked reading. As her eyes began to fail, low read to her. Then “ hearing an advertisement encouraging people to learn Braille, I decided to give it a try.” In 1973, she was certified as a braille transcriber (转译者) and began transcribing books as a volunteer for the CNIB library.

  The job was_____---she could get to the end of a page, make a mistake on the last line, and have to do the whole thing again. For a number of years, low also worked in the CNIB sound studio reading books onto tape. Three years ago, she took up proofreading (校对) at the CNIB’s word factory.

  In April, during Volunteer Week, the CNIB recognized Low for her great contributions. Thanks to volunteers like Low, the CNIB library has got more than 80,000 accessible materials for people unable to read traditional print. “ I can’t imagine how many readers of all ages have benefited from

  Doris’s contribution as a skilled volunteer through her rich voice and her high degree of accuracy in the hundreds of books she has brailled and proofread over the years--- and she is still doing so,” said a CNIB official.

  “For me,” said Low, “the CNIB is more than just a place to volunteer. Three thins matter most in my life: a little play, a little work, a little love. I’ve found them all here.”

  63.64.What does Low still do at the age of 90 at the CNIB? ( no more than 10 words)

  65.66.Why did Low learn Braille? ( no more than 15 words)

  67.68.what does the underlined word “strenuous” most probably mean?(1 word)

  69.70.What are Low’s contributions to the CNIB? ( no more than 10 words)

  71.72.What do you think of Low? Give your reasons. ( no more than 20 words)


  63.64.She helps transform literature into Braille (for blind readers/ the blind).

  65.66.(Because) her mother’s eyes began to fail and she heard an/ the advertisement.


  69.70.She has brailled and proofread hundreds of books, and read books into onto tape.

  71.72.Low is kind and helpful because she has devoted much time to transcribing books into Braille as a volunteer.

  Or: Low is kind-hearted lady with a positive attitude toward life because she takes delight in helping others.

  【解析】Doris Low 到去年12月份就90岁了。但是她从事志愿者活动已经有40年了。她的工作是把故事和知识传播给盲人读者通过把文学作品翻译成布莱叶盲文。有时还要读录成磁带。三年前她又从事校对工作。这个工作很辛苦,但是她喜欢。

  63.64.根据文章第一段第二句话可知,Low现在90岁仍然在CNIB从事帮助把文学作品翻译成布莱叶盲文的工作。所以回答 She helps transform literature into Braille (for blind readers/ the blind).

  65.66.根据文章第三段可知,因为她的妈妈喜欢阅读,但是她的视力变差了,而她也听到了一则鼓励人们学习布莱叶盲文的广告。所以回答(Because) her mother’s eyes began to fail and she heard an/ the advertisement.

  67.68.第四段开头,破折号是对画线的词strenuous 的解释,都做到最后了,因为一个错误就必须重新做。所以strenuous的同义词是Difficult/Hard/tiring/tough.(很累、很难。)

  69.70.第五段介绍了 Low 对CNIB的贡献:把很多书翻译成了布莱叶盲文、校对了数百本书籍还读书录成磁带。所以回答She has brailled and proofread hundreds of books, and read books into onto tape.

  71.72.Low是一个善良的人,她帮助盲人读书。所以回答Low is kind and helpful because she has devoted much time to transcribing books into Braille as a volunteer.

  Or: Low is kind-hearted lady with a positive attitude toward life because she takes delight in helping others.


  When my father was celebrating a milestone (里程碑) birthday, I pulled together a surprise gift that he would never forget.

  As he was approaching 60,1 had a firm idea: What if I could get the memories people had of him, put each one into an envelope - 60 in total - and have him open them, one by one, on his birthday? So I wrote an e-mail to family and friends, explaining my idea.

  I sent the e-mail and waited. And then the replies started coming in and I was very, very surprised. There were so many memories, and they were all so lovely. They came from the '50s, '60s, '70s, from every decade(十年) between now and the day my dad was born. They came from my mother, my siblings, my grandma, my dad's friends from high school, his sister, my dad's first boss, a colleague at his first job, from people who hadn't seen my dad in 40 years, from people I myself hadn't even informed. They typed them and handwrote them. They mailed them and e-mailed them.

  The night before Dad's birthday, my sister and 1 stayed up late, putting everything together with some

  The next morning, after breakfast and presents and cake, we gave the pile of envelopes to him. "Just one more thing for you," we said.

  It took him a long time to open them and read. Each one was a brief ticket to another time, a leap (跳跃) backward over years and decades. There was a lot of laughter and a few tears, too.

  I was kind of sad when the project was over because it was great fun to collect these memories. It gave me a different picture of my dad.

  73.When did the author give her father a surprise gift? (no more than 4 words)

  74.Who sent the mails? (no more than 6 words)

  75.Why did the author and her sister stay up late the night before their father's birthday? (no more than 9 words)

  76.How did the author's father most probably feel when he read (he mails? (no more than 3 words)

  77.What was the surprise gift? (no more than 6 words)


  73.On his 60thbirthday.

  74.The people who know/knew her father.

  75.Because they needed to put the mails into envelopes.

  76.He felt/was moved/excited/happy.

  77.The memories about/of the author’s father.


  73.On his 60thbirthday. 考查细节理解。根据文章首段和第二段内容可知作者送给父亲特别的礼物是在他60岁生日那天,答案填 On his 60thbirthday

  74.The people who know/knew her father. 考查细节理解。从文章第三段内容They came from my mother, …… a colleague at his first job, from people who hadn't seen my dad in 40 years, from people I myself hadn't even informed.可知父亲的亲戚,朋友,家人和一切认识他的人寄来了信或者发来email,故答案为The people who know /knew her father。

  75.Because they needed to put the mails into envelopes. 考查细节理解。由文章第四段my sister and 1 stayed up late, putting everything together with some可知他们晚上熬夜要把信装进信封,答案为Because they needed to put the mails into envelopes。

  76.He felt/was moved/excited/happy. 考查推理判断。从文章倒数第二段there was a lot of laughter and a few tears ,too判断父亲非常激动。答案填He felt / was moved / excited /happy。

  77.The memories about/of the author’s father. 考查细节理解。从文章内容可知作者给父亲的礼物是别人有关父亲的回忆,答案为The memories about / of the author’s father 。


  More and more corporations are taking an interest in corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR is made up of three broad layers. The most basic is traditional corporate charity work. Companies typically spend about 1% of pre-tax profits on worthy projects. But many feel that simply writing cheques to charities is no longer enough. In some companies, shareholders want to know that their money is being put to good use, and employees want to be actively involved in good works.

  Money alone is not the answer when companies come under attack for their behavior. Hence the second layer of CSR, which is a branch of risk management. Starting in the 1980s, with environmental disasters such as the explosion at Bhopal and the Exxon Valdez oil spill, industry after industry has suffered blows to its reputation.

  So, companies often responded by trying to manage the risks. They talk to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and to governments, create codes of conduct(行为准则) and devote themselves to more transparency(透明)in their operations. Increasingly, too. they, along with their competitors, set common rules to spread risks.

  All this is largely defensive, but there are also opportunities for those that get ahead of the game. The emphasis on opportunity is the third layer of CSR: the idea that it can help to create value. If approached in a strategic way, CSR could become part of a company's competitive advantage. That is just the sort of thing chief executives like to hear. The idea of "doing well by doing good" has become popular.

  Nevertheless, the business of trying to be good is bringing difficult questions to executives. Can you measure CSR performance? Should you be cooperating with NGOs and you’re your competitors? Is there any really competitive advantage to be had from a green strategy?

  Corporate social responsibility is now seen as a mainstream. Big companies want to tell the world about their good citizenship with their devotion to social responsibilities. Done badly, CSR is often just window-dressing and can be positively harmful. Done well, though, it is not some separate activity that companies do on the side, a corner of corporate life reserved for virtue(美德):it is just good business.

  (Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)

  78.Both _________ in some companies find it no longer enough to simply donate money to charities.

  79.Give one example of the defensive measures of risk management according to the passage.

  80.With the emphasis on opportunity, the third layer of CSR is meant to_________.

  81.According to the passage, "good business" (paragraph 6) means that corporations ________ while making profits.


  78.Shareholders and employees

  79.Companies talk to non-government organizations(NGOs) and to governments./Companies create codes of conduct. /Companies devote themselves to more transparency in their operations./Companies set common rules with their competitors to spread risks.

  80.Create value

  81.take social responsibilities


  78.细节题:根据文章第一段的最后的句子:But many feel that simply writing cheques to charities is no longer enough. In some companies, shareholders want to know that their money is being put to good use, and employees want to be actively involved in good works.可知股份持有者和职员发现只是简单的将钱捐给慈善机关是不够的,所以填Shareholders and employees。

  79.细节题:根据第三段的内容:可知公司会采取下列防御措施应对危机:和非政府组织和政府谈话:Companies talk to non-government organizations(NGOs) and to governments./公司创造行为准则:Companies create codes of conduct. /公司在经营的时候更加透明:Companies devote themselves to more transparency in their operations./公司和竞争者一起设置共同的规定。Companies set common rules with their competitors to spread risks.

  80.细节题:根据第四段的句子,The emphasis on opportunity is the third layer of CSR: the idea that it can help to create value.可知第三层的管理CSR是强调机遇,旨在创造价值,所以填Create value。

  81.推理题:根据第六段的前面两句话,Corporate social responsibility is now seen as a mainstream. Big companies want to tell the world about their good citizenship with their devotion to social responsibilities.可知好的公司既要能盈利也要有社会责任。填 take social responsibilities



  [1] Nowadays the cost of a new car has fallen in real terms so that it is cheaper than ever to own one, and better road conditions have also attracted more drivers. The result is overcrowding on the road system, which is one of the problems the local governments are faced with.

  [2] When people travel to other towns, the problem might be relieved by getting them to park outside the town. Buses could be provided to take them into the centre. These Park and Ride projects are increasingly popular in the UK. At Southerton, for example, a council-funded project led to a 15% drop in city centre traffic over five months.

  [3] What the council found, though, was that the project proved somewhat unpopular with shop owners in the area outside the centre. Many of their shops relied on passing car drivers for some of their trade. As the number of people driving past dropped, so did their incomes.

  [4] Making car driving expensive is another way of ____________. Road taxes tend to mean that people use their cars less. Fining drivers who are in areas where cars have been banned can also tend to encourage them to leave their cars behind.

  [5] However, one thing has to be got right for any solution to succeed. If we expect people to give up the habit of driving, we must give them an alternative they can rely on. Constant delays, unannounced changes to the timetable and sudden cancellations all discourage people from using public transport. People will only see it as a real choice if the buses and trains are on time.

  82.What causes overcrowding on the road system according to Paragraph 1? (no more than 12 words)


  83.What should people do when traveling to other towns according to the Park and Ride projects? (no more than 10 words)


  84.Why were some shop owners unhappy about the project? (no more than 10 words)


  85.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4. ( no more than 8 words)


  86.Why are people unwilling to use public transport according to Paragraph 5? (no more than 8 words)



  82.The reduced/lowered cost of a new car and better road conditions

  83.They should park outside the town, and take the bus to the centre.

  84.Their incomes dropped because fewer people drove past.

  85.encouraging people to use public transport more

  encouraging people to use their cars less

  relieving the problem( of overcrowding)

  86.Because public transport is not reliable/satisfactory.


  82.根据第一段句子“…the cost of a new car had fallen…”和“…better road conditions have also attracted more drivers.”可以写出答案为:The reduced/lowered cost of a new car and better road conditions

  83.根据第二段句子“… the problem might be relieved by getting them to park outside the town…take them to the center…”可以写出答案They should park outside the town, and take the bus to the centre.

  84.根据第三段最后一句“As the number of people …so did their incomes.”可知,开车经过商场的人少了,商店的收入也就会随着减少。所以答案为Their incomes dropped because fewer people drove past.

  85.根据第四段空格所载的句子“使开车费用增加也是一种方法”说明上文已经提到了解决什么问题的方法。根据第二段开头句子“When people ...the problem might be relieved of getting them to park outside the town.”可知,使开车的费用增加也是一种减轻交通拥挤问题的方法。因此可以写出答案relieving the problem( of overcrowding)。根据下文提到“road taxes”和“finding drivers”等两项费用问题可以促使更多的司机不开车,所以这也是一种鼓励司机不开车乘公交车的一种方法。因此可以写出答案encouraging people to use public transport more或 encouraging people to use their cars less

  86.根据最后一段句子“If we expect...rely on”说明,我们想让人们放弃开车的想法必须给他们值得信赖的选择。接着后面列举了一些公交车的弊端,比如耽搁时间,随意更换时间,突然取消等等问题都不能让人们真正信赖公交。所以可以总结出答案Because public transport is not reliable/satisfactory.



  (1)A safari park is a park in which wild animals are kept. They are mainly located in east or central Africa. They often occupy a very wild area, with mountains and rivers. To visit the park and look at the animals, people have to drive around in a car for a few of hours because the park is huge.

  (2)In south Africa there is a safari park, which contains all sorts of wild animals like lions, elephants, rhinoceroses(犀牛), zebras, wild pigs, deer and giraffes.

  (3)There is a wild road leading through the park, but nobody is permitted to walk on the road. Anyone traveling in the park has to go in a car because wild animals may fiercely attack people. From the car he may see almost every types of African wildlife. Some of these are getting scarce (稀有的) because people kill them for various reasons. For example, rhinoceroses are killed for their horns (角), which are used in traditional Chinese medicines for colds and headaches. Perhaps they will be seen only in museums and books one day.

  (4)Travels may buy food for the animals. They can feed them when they tour the park. Of course, they should not feed them in a close distance because the wild animals may attack people. In addition, they should only give proper food to the animals.

  (5)A traveler may carry a gun with him in his journey. The gun is given to him by the government. However, it is not used for hunting. In fact, a seal(封条) is fixed to it. The traveler may fire at a wild beast to defend himself in case he is attacked. However, he has to prove to the government that he has been attacked and that he has not fired at a harmless animal.

  87.List one of the reasons why travelers have to stay in a car during their visit.(no more than 6 words)


  88.Why are rhinoceroses getting scarce?(no more than 7 words)


  89.What warning are given to travelers when they feed the animals?(no more than 15 words)


  90.How does the government know the gun is fired?(no more than 10 words)


  91.What is the passage mainly about?(no more than 6 words)_____________________________________________________________________


  87.The park is huge. 或Animals may attack people.

  88.People killed them for their horns.

  89.Staying away from the animals and giving them proper food.

  90.By checking their seal

  91.A safari park in South Africa

  【解析】本文属于广告类阅读,主要讲述的是在南非的a safari park游览的注意事项。

  87.The park is huge或Animals may attack people

  细节理解题。根据文章第一段第三句To visit the park and look at the animals, people have to drive around-in a car for a few of hours because the park is huge和第三段第2句Anyone traveling in the park has to go in a car because wild animals may fiercely attack people. 可知,公园很大,以及动物可能会攻击人类这两个原因导致人们不得不坐在车里游览这个公园。

  88.People kill them for their horns

  细节理解题。根据文章第三段3,4行For example, rhinoceroses are killed for their horns (角), which are used in traditional Chinese medicines for colds and headaches可知,犀牛被猎杀是因为人们需要它的角。

  89.Staying away from the animals and giving them proper food.

  细节理解题。根据第四段2,3句Of course, they should not feed them in a close distance because the wild animals may attack people. In addition, they should only give proper food to the animals.可知,要在一个安全的距离喂食,另外要喂适当的食物。

  90.By checking the seal

  细节理解题。根据第五段2,3句However, it is not used for hunting. In fact, a seal is fixed to it.可知,政府会通过seal来看你是否开枪射击。

  91.A safari park in South Africa

  主旨大意题。本文主要讲述的是在南非的a safari park游览的注意事项。


  Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.

  While contact between adolescents (between the ages of fifteen and nineteen) and their peers (同龄人) is a universal characteristic of all cultures, the nature and the degree of such contact vary a great deal. In American contemporary society, adolescents spend much more time with their peers than with younger children or adults.

  This pattern of age segregation(隔离) in American society did not become usual until the beginning of the industrialized society. Changes in the workplace separated children from adults, with adults working and children attending school. The dramatic increase of mothers in the workplace has further contributed to the reduction in the amount of time adolescents spend with adults. School reform efforts during the nineteenth century, which resulted in age-segregated schools and grades, have reduced the amount of time adolescents spend with younger children. Finally, the changes in population are considered a factor that may have contributed to the emergence of adolescent peer culture. From 1955 t0 1975, the adolescent population increased dramatically, from 11 percent t0 20.9 percent. This increase in the number of adolescents might be a contributing factor to the increase in adolescent peer culture in terms of growth in size.

  Research supports the view that adolescents spend a great deal of time with their peers. Reed Larson and his colleagues examined adolescents' daily activities and found that they spend more time talking to their friends than engaging in any other activity. In a typical week, high school students will spend twice as much time with their peers as with adults. This gradual withdrawal from adults begins in early adolescence. In sixth grade, adults (excluding parents) account for only 25 percent of adolescent social networks. Another important characteristic of adolescent peer culture is its increasingly autonomous (白治的) function. While childhood peer groups are conducted under the close supervision of parents, adolescent peer groups typically make an effort to escape adult supervision and usually succeed in doing so.

  (Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS.)

  92."This pattern of age segregation" refers to the phenomenon that adolescents segregate themselves from

  93.Besides changes in the workplace, are the other two factors contributing to adolescent peer culture.

  94.When do adolescents start to spend less time with adults?

  95.How do adolescent peer groups differ from childhood peer groups?


  92.younger children and adults

  93.school reform efforts and the changes in population

  94.In early adolescence

  95.They have less close supervision of parents. /They manage to escape adult supervision./They are increasingly autonomous


  92.根据Changes in the workplace separated children from adults 和which resulted in age-segregated schools and grades, have reduced the amount of time adolescents spend with younger children 可推断应填younger children and adults。


  93.根据School reform efforts during the nineteenth century 和the changes in population are considered a factor可推断应填 school reform efforts and the changes in population。


  94.根据This gradual withdrawal from adults begins in early adolescence 可推断应填In early adolescence。


  95.根据adolescent peer groups typically make an effort to escape adult supervision 可推断应填They have less close supervision of parents. /They manage to escape adult supervision./They are increasingly autonomous。



  [1] Ashley Power’s mother bought a computer for her when she was eight. When she was thirteen, she was surfing the Internet regularly, but she couldn’t find anywhere for teenagers to meet and talk. And one day she thought, “If I had my own website, I’d make it a really interesting site for teenagers.”

  [2]So, when Ashley was sixteen, she launched her own website, called Goosehead. She had no idea how big a success it would be, but three years later, the site was the most successful teen site in the USA! It was getting 100,000 hits every day, and Ashley had about 30 employees.

  [3] After a few years, the website closed down. Then Ashley, who lives in Los Angeles, was asked to write a book called The Goosehead Guide to Life. The book is about how to design a website and start a business. It begins with a section called “All About Ashley,” where Ashley tells readers what it is like to be the boss of a company when you are only sixteen. “ I was so happy. But it was crazy in a lot of ways. I got very stressed. I mean, I was only sixteen — I didn’t even have a car! If you were sixteen and you had your own company, you’d be stressed, too!“

  [4] In an interview Ashley gave advice to teenagers who wanted to start their own business, “Just be strong and have your dreams and work hard at them. And don’t listen when _______, because I heard ‘no’ a lot. Just keep going until you hear ‘yes’!”

  96.For what purpose did Ashley create Goosehead?(no more than 10 words)


  97.What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?(no more than 6 words)


  98.According to paragraph 3, what did Ashley do after Gooshead closed down?(no more than 10 words)


  99.How did Ashley feel as a young boss of a company?(no more than 5 words)


  100.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.



  96.To create a place for teenagers to meet and talk.

  97.Power’s website became a success.

  98.He wrote a book.

  99.Happy, crazy and stressed.

  100.others say something/others give you advice/people talk about you

  【解析】文章讲述了Ashley Power的故事,她从16岁就创办了网站,并且非常成功,从中得到启示,我们要持续坚持做自己想做的事。

  96.细节题;从“If第一段的句子:I had my own website, I’d make it a really interesting site for teenagers.”可知答案是She wanted to create an interesting website for teenagers.

  97.段落大意题;从第二段的句子;but three years later, the site was the most successful teen site in the USA可知答案是:Power’s website became a success.

  98.细节题;从第三段的句子:was asked to write a book calledThe Goosehead Guide to Life.说明是She wrote a book.

  99.细节题:第三段中出现的I was so happy.和I got very stressed.可知答案是She felt happy but stressed.

  100.推理题:从句子:I heard ‘no’可知人们经常会说你不能做:people tell you that you can not do it


  Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.

  A wise teacher once told me that every teenager needs to experience a not-so-fun first job from working at a grocery store to the fast food industry.

  Now I still remember my first day at a fast food restaurant three years ago. I wanted to save up money and buy my own car, so I applied everywhere I could that summer. The restaurant called me right away and I thought to myself, this is going to be easy. Within four hours of my first shift (.轮班), I had angry customers who complained how slow I was. I watched in fear as a kid spilled his milk everywhere, and I heard the words that no 16-year-old boy or anyone for that matter wants to hear: "Mike, there's a problem in the men's bathroom and you might want gloves for this one." I realized right away that working at the restaurant was not going to be a picnic. The manager expected a clean environment and, particularly, fast service with a friendly smile.

  Over three years later I still work at that restaurant whenever I go home during vacations. I love my co-workers there and all the customers know who I am. Every morning the same senior citizens come in and get their morning coffees. They chat with us workers and joke around. Our smiles have just as much to do with them making us a part of their everyday lives as the coffee does.

  From my first job at the restaurant, I learned teamwork and devotion. I also learned staying positive no matter how rough things seem to get. I will forever carry the experience that I gained at the restaurant with me as I go forward in my life.

  101.Why did the author apply everywhere that summer?

  (No more than 12 words) (2 marks)

  102.What did the manager particularly expect the workers to do?

  (No more than 14 words) (3 marks)

  103.Why does the author still work at the restaurant during vacations?

  (No more than 13 words) (2 marks)

  104.What did the author learn from his first job?

  (No more than 11 words)(3 marks)


  101.Why did the author apply everywhere that summer? (No more than 12 words) (2 marks)

  102.What did the manager particularly expect the worker to do? (No more than 14 words) (3 marks)

  103.Why does the author still work at the restaurant during vacations? (No more than 13 words) (2 marks)

  104.What did the author learn from his first job? (No more than 11 words) (3 marks)


  101.首先根据apply everywhere定位到文章第二段第二行so I applied everywhere I could that summer,这一题的考点是why,即问apply everywhere的原因,根据句中的so得出答案在本句的前半部分I wanted to save up money and buy my own car. 答题时注意人称的变化改成He wanted to save up money and buy his own car.

  102.本题定位词particularly expect,位置在第二段最后一句The manager expected a clean environment and, particularly, fast service with a friendly smile.答案要写完整的句子The manger particularly expected them to offer fast service with a friendly smile.注意:这一题问manager 期待worker 做什么,而文中出现的是名词短语fast service,所以要根据常识补充餐厅服务员是给客人提供服务(offer service).

  103.本题利用定位词still work 定位到第四段第一句话Over three years later I still work at the restaurant whenever I go home during vacations.后面一句即是解释原因I love my co-workers there and all the customers know who I am.答案也参照第82题把人称修改He loves his co-workers and all the customers know who he is.

  104.本体是综合理解问作者从他的第一份工作中学到什么,根据记叙文意义升华在尾段,定位到最后一段,From my first job at the restaurant, I learned teamwork and devotion. I also learned staying positive no matter how rough things seem to get.答案受字数限制需要合并句子,修改为He learned teamwork, devotion, and staying positive in rough situations.



  [1]Stamp collectors usually collect stamps only from certain countries or regions. The traditional method of stamp collecting is to organize stamp collection according to the issue dates.

  [2]Of course, there are many ____________. You can collect stamps relating to a particular theme. For example, sport lovers may choose the Olympic theme. They try their best to find Olympic stamps issued by various parts of the world every four years. Some of them may want to concentrate on even more specific sport activities like ball games, gymnasium, swimming, etc.

  [3]If you like astronomy, you may be keen on collecting stamps describing the stars, planets, spacecraft, spacemen, etc. once you have fixed the topic, you no longer need to bother about stamps other than the theme you selected. Then, you can put all your effort to collect the stamps around it.

  [4]China issues zodiac animal stamps (十二生肖邮票) every year to celebrate the Lunar New Year. They are extremely popular and a lot of collectors wait patiently for 12 years to collect a full set of them. Hong Kong’s Lunar New Year special stamp series began in 2000 with the Year of Dragon and the twelfth and final set was issued in 2011, the Year of Rabbit. Recently some Western countries have issued zodiac animal stamps, which attract a lot of attention as well.

  [5]You may choose any theme you like. However, you should bear in mind an essential point. The topic you choose should not be too narrow. Otherwise, it is very difficult to accumulate stamps around the topic. You will be depressed and even lose your interest in collecting stamps.

  [6]Collecting stamps with themes is especially popular among teenagers because there is a wide range of choices for them. The main challenge is how you organize and expand your collection around your theme.

  105.What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 5 words)


  106.Fill in the blanks in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 5 words)

  Of course, there are many ____________________________________________.

  107.What should you do if you want to collect a full set of zodiac animal stamps? (no more than 7 words)


  108.List the three general themes in collecting stamps mentioned in the passage. (3 words)


  109.What does the word "them" (Line2, Paragraph6) probably refer to? (1 word)



  105.Collecting stamps with themes

  106.other methods of collecting stamps

  107.We should wait for 12 years.




  105.文章前4段介绍集邮的不同主题;第5段讲主题集邮注意事项;最后一段交代主题集邮的最大困难。因此,根据结构可以得知整篇文章大意是和主题集邮(Collecting stamps with themes)相关。


  106.文章第一段介绍有按地点,时间为主题的集邮。第二段第二句以后是讲按运动为主题的集邮。第3,4段讲按天文和十二生肖为主题的集邮。因此该句可以看成第一段与2,3,4,段的段间过渡,也可以看成2.3.4段的中心句。因此,相对于第一段,这里当然是介绍other methods of collecting stamps。


  107.该题是问为了收集全十二生肖的邮票我们该怎么办。首先可以把信息定位在第5段; 然后找到该段的第二句(…and a lot of collectors wait patiently for 12 years to collect a full set of them.); 最后以答者的身份改变人称(they变为we ).即We should wait for 12 years.









