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yuantengfei(每日新闻播报(February 28))

导读:Members of South Korean boy band BTS, also known as the Bangtan Boys, pose with their

  Members of South Korean boy band BTS, also known as the Bangtan Boys, pose with their trophy during the 2018 Mnet Asian Music Awards or MAMA in Hong Kong, China, 14 December 2018.[Photo/IC]

  >K-pop stars 'look identical' 韩国限制'撞脸'偶像出镜 South Korea's ministry of gender equality and family has come under fire for suggesting a cap on K-pop stars appearing on television shows as the singers look too alike. "Are the singers on TV music shows twins? They seriously look identical. Most are idol group members," a guideline issued by the ministry said. "Most of them are skinny and have similar hairstyles and makeup with outfits exposing their bodies." The paragraphs that caused offence advised restricting the number of K-pop singers who appear on a TV show, for fear that similar appearances may promote unrealistic and narrow standards of beauty. Critics said the guideline was an attempt at "censoring" the profitable industry and could deprive its many fans of the chance to watch its stars. But others said they understood the intent behind the guideline, adding that outfits worn by some girl-group members were too sexual. 近日,韩国性别平等与家庭部提议限制韩流明星在电视节目中的出镜频次,理由是这些歌手严重"撞脸",这一提议招致猛烈抨击。该部门在一份指导意见中写道:"音乐节目里的这些歌手都是双胞胎吗?他们看起来真的太像了,其中大多数是偶像团体成员。大多数人都很瘦,发型和妆容相似,衣着也过于暴露。"意见提出,由于担心"撞脸"歌手可能会加剧大众审美标准的不切实际和单一化,因此建议限制偶像歌手出镜人数,这部分内容引发了争议。批评者指出,这份文件试图"审查"这一利润丰厚的行业,可能会剥夺众多粉丝欣赏偶像表演的机会。但也有人对政府发布指导意见的意图表示理解,称一些女团成员的穿着的确过于性感。

  Ma Yun, chairman of Alibaba Group, attends the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland on Jan 23, 2019. [Photo/VCG]

  >Jack Ma is richest Chinese 马云家族登顶华人首富 Ma Yun, or Jack Ma, founder of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group, becomes the wealthiest Chinese, according to the latest edition of the Hurun Global Rich List for 2019. With a net worth of 260 billion yuan ($39 billion), Ma and family ranked 22nd on the list, up 4 spots. Ma Huateng, chairman and CEO of Tencent, with a net worth of $38 billion, ranked 24th and became the second-wealthiest Chinese. Evergrande Group chairman Xu Jiayin became the third-richest Chinese with a $37 billion net worth, 26th on the global list. According to Hurun, 769 listed people saw their wealth increase and 201 new faces emerged, led by China and the US with 52 and 39, respectively. The TMT or technology, media and telecom industry, is the main source of wealth, followed by real estate, investments, manufacturing and retail, the report said. 根据最新版的《2019胡润全球富豪榜》,国内电商巨头阿里巴巴集团创始人马云成为华人首富。马云及其家族以2600亿元(390亿美元)的净资产位列全球第22位,排名上升4位。腾讯主席兼首席执行官马化腾、恒大集团主席许家印分别以380亿美元和370美元的净资产在全球榜单上分列第24位和26位,在华人富豪榜上分列二、三位。胡润称,上榜的769人的财富有所增加,201人新晋上榜,其中中国和美国新增人数最多,分别为52人和39人。报告称,科技、媒体和电信行业是富豪诞生的主要领域,地产、投资、制造业和零售业紧随其后。

  A Fuxing bullet train makes its debut on the Beijing-Shanghai line. [Photo/VCG]

  >Railway firm plans IPO 京沪高铁启动上市工作 Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway Co Ltd, a unit of China Railway Corp and the company that runs the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, is planning to raise funds through an initial public offering on the A-share market. The Beijing bureau of China Securities Regulatory Commission on Tuesday published information on the pre-listing tutorial services provided by CSC Financial Co Ltd for Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway Co Ltd on its website. Launched in 2011, the Beijing-Shanghai railway line is one of China's most profitable high-speed routes. It is 1,318 kilometers long and spans seven provinces and municipalities including Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong and Jiangsu. The public float is seen as a significant step in the State-owned enterprise's efforts to promote mixed ownership reforms and optimize its capital structure. Company officials expect to complete the preparatory listing work by the end of this year. 京沪高速铁路股份有限公司计划在A股首次公开募股。该公司是中国铁路总公司的下属单位,也是京沪高铁的运营方。26日,中国证券监督管理委员会北京监管局网站刊登了京沪高速铁路股份有限公司上市辅导备案表。京沪高铁于2011年开通运营,是我国最赚钱的高铁线路之一,全长1318公里,纵贯天津、河北、山东、江苏等七省市。启动京沪高铁上市工作是铁路总公司积极推进国铁企业股份制改造、促进资本结构优化的一项重要举措。中国铁路总公司相关负责人预计,京沪高铁公司有望于2019年内完成辅导验收。

  Consumers buy cherries at a supermarket in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province. [Photo by Li Zhihao/For China Daily]

  >Chilean cherries a hit 车厘子销量同比涨32倍 进口水果消费逐渐流行 A report on China's consumption of fresh fruits during the Spring Festival by Miss Fresh, a Chinese e-commerce platform for fresh food items, revealed that the sales volume of Chilean cherries surged 32 times in 2019 year-on-year. The retail price of imported cherries was 70-100 yuan per 500 grams, which is far more expensive than that of prime apples. Some netizens even called the "affordability" of this high-end fruit as "cherry financial freedom." The hot selling of Chilean cherry is a microcosm of the popularity of imported fruits such as Thai durian, Peruvian blueberry, kiwi fruit from New Zealand and avocado from Mexico. Statistics from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs show that China registered a growth of 34.5% in imported fruits in 2018. 近日,国内生鲜电商平台每日优鲜发布有关春节期间的生鲜消费报告。报告显示,智利车厘子的销量同比暴涨了32倍。进口车厘子每斤的价格为70元至100元,比市面上最好的苹果还要贵很多。一些网友甚至把消费这种高端水果的能力称为"车厘子财务自由"。智利车厘子的热销是进口水果在国内日益流行的一个缩影,泰国榴莲、秘鲁蓝莓、新西兰猕猴桃以及墨西哥牛油果等均受到市场欢迎。农业农村部的数据显示,2018年中国水果进口额增速达34.5%。

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