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导读:perhaps“也许”“可能”“大概” 1.用于表示不确定性 e.g. In the end they lose millions, perhaps billions .最后他们输了几百万,也可能是几十亿。 e.g. Perhap s, in time, the message will get through. 或许消




e.g.In the end they lose millions, perhaps billions.最后他们输了几百万,也可能是几十亿。

e.g.Perhaps, in time, the message will get through.或许消息会及时送达。

e.g.Perhaps she’s next door.也许她就在隔壁。

e.g.Perhaps it will snow tomorrow.或许明天会下雪。

e.g.It won’t take so long next time, perhaps.也许下次就不会花这么长时间了。

e.g.It is perhaps not a good idea for a seven-year-old to use a calculator.或许对于一个7岁孩子来说使用计算器并不是一个好主意。


e.g.This is perhaps her finest novel yet.这也许是她至今为止写过最好的一部小说了。

e.g.Perhaps the most important lesson to be learned is that you simply cannot please everyone.或许应吸取的最重要的教训是你不可能取悦每一个人。

e.g.His very last paintings are perhaps the most puzzling.他最后的画作也许是最令人困惑的。


e.g.You don’t look well – perhaps you should go to the doctor.你看起来气色不大好,也许你应该去看病。

e.g.Perhaps we could all go out and have a meal sometime?


e.g.Perhaps you can explain what went wrong?



e.g.The room was large, perhaps 20 feet square.这个房间很大,或许有20平方英尺。

e.g.Perhaps 200 people were there.那里可能有200人。


1.▪You use perhaps to express uncertainty, for example, when you do not know that something is definitely true, or when you are mentioning something that may possibly happen in the future in the way you describe.【柯林斯】

▪used to say that something may be true, but you are not sure.【朗文】

▪used for saying that you are not certain about something, or that something may or may not be true.【麦克米伦】

[In everyday English, people usually use may or might rather than use perhaps it/she/they etc will:e.g.It might snow tomorrow.]

2.▪You use perhaps in opinions and remarks to make them appear less definite or more polite.【柯林斯】

▪used to give your opinion, when you do not want to be too definite.【朗文】

▪as a polite reply to someone when you do not completely agree with what they have said.【麦克米伦】

3.▪You use perhaps when you are making suggestions or giving advice. Perhaps is also used in formal English to introduce requests.【柯林斯】

▪used when you are making a suggestion, giving advice, or making a polite request【麦克米伦】

4.used to say that a number is only a guess SYN maybe




e.g.Perhaps this explains why the figure is so high.



1.▪You use maybe to express uncertainty, for example when you do not know that something is definitely true, or when you are mentioning something that may possibly happen in the future in the way you describe.【柯林斯】同perhaps

▪used to say that something may happen or may be true but you are not certain 同 perhaps【朗文】

▪used for showing that you are not sure whether something is true or whether something will happen【麦克米伦】

e.g.Maybe Julie was right when she said I was jealous.也许朱莉说我嫉妒是对的。

e.g.‘When can you give me an answer?’ ‘I don’t know. Maybe tomorrow.’你什么时候可以给我一个答复?我不知道,也许明天。

e.g.‘Do you think he really loves you?’ ‘Maybe. I’m not sure.’你认为他真的爱你吗?也许吧。我不确定。

2.▪You can say maybe as a response to a question or remark, when you do not want to agree or disagree.【柯林斯】=perhaps

▪used to reply to a suggestion or idea when either you are not sure if you agree with it, or you do not want to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’【朗文】

e.g."Is she coming back?"—"Maybe. No one hears from her.她快回来了吗?也许吧,都还没信儿呢。

3.▪used to show that you are not sure of an amount or number【朗文】

▪used when you are guessing a number or amount【柯林斯】

e.g.The whole process takes maybe ten or fifteen minutes.整个过程可能需要10-15分钟

e.g.He looked like he was thirty, maybe thirty-five years old.他看起来像30岁,也可能是35岁。

4.used for asking someone to do something, without saying directly that you want them to do it【麦克米伦】

e.g.Maybe you could do a little job for me?也许你可以帮我做点工作?

e.g.Maybe someone could explain to me what’s going on around here?也许有人可以给我解释一下这儿周围发生了什么事情?


1.▪If you say that something is probably the case, you think that it is likely to be the case, although you are not sure.【柯林斯】

▪used to say that something is likely to happen, likely to be true etc【朗文】

▪used for saying that you think something is likely【麦克米伦】

e.g.The White House probably won't make this plan public until July.白宫大概要等到7月份才会公开这个计划。

e.g.Van Gogh is probably the best-known painter in the world.梵高可能是世界上最著名的画家。

e.g.It’s probably the best movie I have ever seen.这可能是我看过最好看的电影。

e.g.I'll probably be late for dinner tonight.今天晚上我可能吃饭会迟到。

2.You can use probably when you want to make your opinion sound less forceful or definite, so that you do not offend people.【柯林斯】

e.g.What would he think of their story? He'd probably think she and Lenny were both crazy!



1.▪You use possibly to emphasize that something definitely cannot happen or definitely cannot be done.[emphasis]【柯林斯】强调某事一定不可能发生或某事一定不可能做。

▪used to emphasize that you cannot do something, or that something cannot or could not happen or be done.【朗文】

e.g.I can’t possibly allow you to go home in this weather.我不肯能允许你在这种天气回家。

2.▪You use possibly to emphasize that you are surprised, puzzled, or shocked by something that you have seen or heard.【柯林斯】


▪spoken used to emphasize that you are very surprised or shocked by something, or you cannot understand it.【朗文】

e.g.How could anyone possibly do such a thing?怎么会有人做出那样的事呢?

3.▪You use possibly to indicate that you are not sure whether something is true or might happen.【柯林斯】用于表示对不确事件真实与否或发生的可能

▪used when saying that something may be true or likely, although you are not completely certain【朗文】用于表示虽然不完全确定,但是某事也许或可能是真实的。

e.g.This last task is possibly the most difficult.最后一项任务可能是最困难的。

4.used to emphasize that someone will do or has done everything they can to help or to achieve something.[朗文]用于强调某人尽其所能去帮助或完成某事。

e.g.Doctors did everything they possibly could to save his life.医生们尽一切可能挽救他的生命。




